Rijksweg Eindhoven – Oirschot

Op 29 augustus 1961 werd de Rijksweg E 38 Eindhoven – Oirschot – Tilburg officieel geopend door de Minister van Verkeer en Waterstaat Korthals. De Rijksweg ontlast Best van het verkeer dat toe nu toe via het kruispunt, de Hoofdstraat en de Oirschotseweg naar Oirschot moest.

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  1. A50, the section of Rijksweg 50 that is constructed as controlled-access highway, is a north south motorway in the Netherlands, running from Eindhoven in the province of North Brabant, northwards passing by the cities of Oss, Nijmegen, Arnhem and Apeldoorn, to its northern terminus in the province of Gelderland near the city of Zwolle . During the Second World War the Highway was known as Highway 69. Since 1969, it is known as N69 and has that name now only between the border of Noord-Brabant and European route E34 .


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